Azure Event Hubs Click here for latest

Scale applications based on Azure Event Hubs.

Availability: v1.0+ Maintainer: Microsoft


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As of now, the Event Hub scaler only supports reading checkpoints from Blob Storage, as well as scaling only Event Hub applications written in C#, Java, Python or created with Azure Functions.

Trigger Specification

This specification describes the azure-eventhub trigger for Azure Event Hubs.

- type: azure-eventhub
    connection: EVENTHUB_CONNECTIONSTRING_ENV_NAME # Connection string for Event Hub namespace appended with "EntityPath=<event_hub_name>"
    storageConnection: STORAGE_CONNECTIONSTRING_ENV_NAME # Connection string for account used to store checkpoint. As of now the Event Hub scaler only reads from Azure Blob Storage.
    consumerGroup: $Default # Optional. Consumer group of event hub consumer. Default: $Default
    unprocessedEventThreshold: '64' # Optional. Target number of unprocessed events across all partitions in Event Hub for HPA. Default: 64 events.
    blobContainer: 'name_of_container' # Optional. Container name to store checkpoint. This is needed when a using an Event Hub application written in dotnet or java, and not an Azure function.

The connection value is the name of the environment variable your deployment uses to get the Event Hub connection string which is appended with the Event Hub name using Entity Path variable. storageConnection is the name of the environment variable your deployment uses to get the Storage connection string.

Environment variables are usually resolved from a Secret V1 or a ConfigMap V1 collections. env and envFrom are both supported.

Authentication Parameters

Not supported yet.


kind: ScaledObject
  name: azure-eventhub-scaledobject
  namespace: default
    deploymentName: azureeventhub-function
  - type: azure-eventhub
      # Required
      connection: EventHub
      storageConnection: AzureWebJobsStorage
      # Optional
      consumerGroup: $Default # default: $Default
      unprocessedEventThreshold: '64' # default 64 events.
      blobContainer: ehcontainer